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Feedback on the work of the technical supervision of the LLC «Bridge Bureau»

 At the construction sites of the OJSC “Mostostroy No. 6”, the LLC “Bridge Bureau” carried out a range of works on the inspection and design of artificial structures in the Novgorod & Leningrad regions, and Vologda, such as:

  • survey and development of working documentation for widening the carriageway of a bridge across the r. Veronda;
  • inspection of the technical condition and certification of the bridge of 800th anniversary of Vologda across the river. Vologda;
  • development of the project for the production of works on sliding the metal span of the bridge across the r. Seleznevka, on the bypass of Vyborg.

The specialists of Bridge Office LLC showed high professionalism in solving complex engineering problems, both in design and in the process of field supervision and engineering support in the implementation of technical solutions in production practice. The works were carried out in a short time and with high quality.

When designing and inspecting artificial structures, the specialists of the Bridge Bureau apply modern methods of calculation and design. The projects include building materials produced by the best bridge building companies.

Throughout our cooperation, there are no complaints or comments on the work of the Bridge Bureau LLC.

JSC "Mostostroy No. 6" considers it possible to recommend LLC "Bridge Bureau" for participation in competitive procedures.