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Construction audit and monitoring of investment projects (public-private partnership)

The Bridge Bureau carries out work on the financial and technical construction audit (FTA) and financial and technical monitoring (FTM), which is a tool for financial control over the efficiency of investment implementation and protection of the interests of the projects customer (investor). During the audit, the parameters of pricing and the formation of the value of the object at each stage of work are analyzed. We check the quality and volumes, the executed works, hold independent examination of the design documentation and the control over observance of the current ligeslation, compare executed construction and installation works with the design-budget documentation and the project budget.

  • The Western High-Speed Diameter in st. Petersburg, the fourth and fifth stages (from the traffic junction on the Ekateringofka River to the traffic junction at the intersection with Bogatyrsky Prospekt). The cost of construction: 120 billion rubles, including investment 69 billion rubles. Customer: ICA ASTALDI-IC Ictas WHSD Insaat Anonim Shirketi.


  • The bridge crossing over the Nadym River in Nadym Town. The cost of construction of the facility: 14 billion rubles. Total cost of construction of the Northern latitudinal railway is 154.4 billion rubles, of which federal budget amount is 50 billion rubles, the budget of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is 18.5 billion rubles and private investment is 85.9 billion rubles. Customer: DB Internetional GmbH.

  • Construction of a section of a public highway of regional or intermunicipal significance of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Korotchaevo-Krasnoselkup, including a bridge over the river Pur. The cost of construction of the facility: 10 billion rubles, of which private investment is 5 billion rubles. Customer: Regional Infrastructure Company LLC.