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The first span structure of the Urengoy bridge

The first deputy governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Aleksey Sitnikov visited the construction of a bridge on the Pur river in the Urengoy region. This is due to the beginning of the next, very important stage of work - the sliding of span metal structures onto supports. Details in the plot.

Upon arrival at the bridge construction site, the deputy governor met with facility managers who briefed him on the schedule and work plan. Today, out of 11 towers, eight are completely ready, two so far are just above the water level.

The first span weighs 500 tons, it is pulled a little further than the third support, after which they will begin assembling the metal structures of the next structure. At the end of November, they plan to start the second stage of the slide. The object is complex, the work is monitored by representatives of supervisory authorities. Alexander Ozerov has been working in this field for 9 years, he came here after the construction of the Crimean bridge.

Alexander Ozerov, Lead Engineer for Supervision Bridge Bureau:

- We control that everything is carried out in accordance with technical regulations, all regulatory and technical documentation, and we follow safety precautions.

At the end of the visit, Deputy Governor Alexei Sitnikov noted that the Mostostroy-11 enterprise fulfills all its obligations, and at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020 the object will be commissioned.

Alexey Sitnikov, First Deputy Governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug:

- They are moving at a good pace, there are all materials at the construction site, they are equipped with workers, engineers and technicians, I don’t see any concerns from the subject so far. The team is professional, does the work at "five".